How I Want to Help My Audience Thrive
There are a lot of blogs online that help preppers, whether just beginning or quite experienced, with the details of preparing for whatever disasters, small or large, that may come their way. Even government websites like FEMA offer lists and suggestions for preparing for hurricanes, tornados, flooding, wildfires, and temporary power outages caused by extreme weather.
I am not going to add my voice to the multitudes. They have been doing this for years, some for decades, and I doubt that I’d have much to add to their research and expertise.
No. I’m going to address what happens after.
Not after the hurricanes, tornados, flooding, wildfires and temporary power outages. We all know we pick up, help others or accept help as appropriate, put our lives back together and keep on keeping on. We can do this. We do it all the time.
No. I’m concerned with the big one, whatever the big one may turn out to be.
It may be a massive solar storm that burns out our electrical transformers, destroying our fragile electrical grid or a high altitude nuclear blast that throws out an EMP that does the same thing. Such an event could send most, if not all, of the continental USA back to the technological level of the early 1800s. Experts say that up to 90% of the US population could die in the the first year.
That’s bad. But it would only affect the portion of the planet under the solar storm or EMP. Other big ones could affect the planet as a whole. If a super volcano explodes it could destroy an area the size of North America (Yellowstone in Wyoming) or Europe (Campi Flegrei in Italy). It would also negatively affect weather patterns over the whole world restricting sunlight for years and causing a global famine.
There’s yet another possible big one that’s becoming talked about more and more. That is a Polar Reversal or Polar Shift or Crustal Shift depending on which website you go to, and who’s doing the talking.
According to these experts, the effects could be as small as the reversal of the magnetic pole positions, south becoming north and north becoming south, which would confuse the instincts of migratory birds, animals and fish, as well as mess up the programming of our GPS satellites. This could also create havoc in the “normal” polar air and oceanic currents messing up weather for decades to come.
Or there seems to be some evidence to suggest that along with a magnetic reversal that the entire crust could shift around the core of the planet leaving the poles in totally different places on the surface, like the north pole in the Andes mountains and the south pole in Southeast Asia. According to this scenario, the violence of the shift would slosh the oceans out of their beds and send the water rushing over the continents in a massive and devastating flood which would only be survived by those in very high elevations, 6000-8000 feet if I remember correctly.
In these big one scenarios, if you are properly prepared, survival may rest on the luck of the draw. If you are in the area of effect, game over, it’s done, you lose. But if you are in America when Campi Flegrei pops off, or in Wyoming when Washington, D.C. is nuked, or in the Rockies when the poles flip you’ve won, you’re alive, you survived.
Now what? TEOTWAWKI has hit, the Apocalypse has come and passed, the world as you knew it is gone.
Where do you, where do we, go from here?
This is the subject of this blog. I do not claim to be any sort of expert. Some of this will be well researched, some will be philosophical musings, some will be interviews with people who are experts, some will be open to audience participation.
Welcome to my corner of the wild. I intend to thrive. How about you?